The Fitness Quadrant Overview






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A Few Exerpts from the book:


Overview of the Fitness Quadrant

The Fitness Quadrant is simple as it has the synergy of 4 main groups, 1) Anaerobic Exercise, 2) Cardiovascular Exercise 3) Eating and 4) Recovery. We will start with an effective synergistic balance between the four components, and depending on your individual level at your starting point for The Fitness Quadrant, that balance will still be adhered to, but with different intensities.




Stimulation And Adaptation

Also termed Exercise and Recovery, and Break Down and Build Up. During stimulation (exercise) we have a Catabolic Metabolism, and when adapting we induce an Anabolic Metabolism. The concept of resiliency - bouncing back stronger into each workout, is possible because of us swinging into the opposite state - resting. Each workout and rest period builds a wave form - a frequency of a pattern of workout, train - (rest) recover, breakdown - build up, creating a force of momentum over time, yielding through the process of accumulation an ever growing fit healthy body, creating momentum manifesting in a carry over effect realized dynamically through time. It is much wiser to pay the price of discipline, paid through small frequent payments of exercise along the time line with periods of recovery to adapt and grow healthier in between periods of exercise, than to pay the high price of regret and defeat of creating an unhealthy body through time by not doing the little important things such as exercise and recovery along the way. The synergistic combination of the four elements of The Fitness Quadrant is based on the effectiveness of simplicity, “Idiots complicate but geniuses simplify”.


Here is what you will get when you purchaseThe Fitness Quadrant book. Following is a list of the Table Of Contents from this section of The Fitness Quadrant book:

Overview of the Fitness Quadrant……………………………….…….……..

Stimulation And Adaptation………………………………………………………...….…...


Exercise   +   Eating     + Recovery =   Fitness…………………………………......….……

Find Out Where You Are In The Quadrant………………………………………..….……

Previously Only Doing Light Anaerobics?………………………………………...………

Previously Only Doing Heavy Anaerobics?……………………………………...………..

Previously Only Doing Cardio?………………………………………………….....…….….

Previously Doing No Exercise?………………………………………………….....…….….









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