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You decide the path to take in The Fitness Quadrant. You don’t have to read this book straight through like a novel. If you are the type of person that likes to keep things simple then simply go the chapter “Getting Started” and begin by recording you measurements, next proceed to “Overview of the Fitness Quadrant”, and then follow the chapter “The Plan”. Whatever you don’t understand you can look up the details in the C, A, R, and E chapters. For those of you that are very advanced and would like to vary The Plan or design you own, then you will find the chapter “How To Put Together Our Workouts: Progression” very helpful. With your eating - E Quadrant and cardio - C Quadrant, you can keep it simple and use the Approximation chapters, or if you want all the details then you can precisely work it all out in the Calculation chapters.
Small amounts of effort over time will produce incredible results. Only 3% of your time will be spent exercising, and 97% is spent recovering! The four Quadrants – C, A, R, and E all play a part in achieving fitness. If one of the Quadrants is left out – it doesn’t work. If you are doing too much of one, and not enough of the other Quadrants, then you are out of balance in the Fitness Quadrant without synergy, and the program will not work.
Here is what you will get when you purchaseThe Fitness Quadrant book. Following is a list of the Table Of Contents from this section of The Fitness Quadrant book:
Your Path: What Do You Believe? …...................
The Mind: Fitness Starts From The Inside Out………………………………...……… Break Away From The Herd…………………………………………………...……........ What Do You Believe About Fitness?…………………………………………………. The Fitness Laws……………………………………………………………………......... Fitness Beliefs Are Based On Fitness Laws …….…………………………………...... Deterioration Or Fitness?……………………………………………………………….... Our Beliefs Determine Our Actions That Create Fitness:……………………………... Fitness
Starts With Decisions That Form Constructive Beliefs…………………... .... Types Of
Fitness Beliefs.………………………………………………………..…...….... Negative
Fitness Beliefs………...……………………………………………………….... Positive
Fitness Beliefs………………………………………………………………….... Program
Positive Beliefs & Delete Negative Beliefs………………………………….... Identify Your Negative Beliefs Involving
Fitness…………………………………….... Decide Core Fitness
Beliefs……………………………………………………………..... Types Of
Fitness Beliefs…………………………………………………………….....…. Believe Only In Being
Fit……………………………………………………………......... List Your
Attributes…………………………………………………………………......… Your
Reasons Why Are Core Fitness Beliefs……………………………………….….. List Your
(Fitness) Dreams -Your Reasons Why………………………………….…… Fitness
Quadrant Beliefs - Examples:…………………………………………………...... Add Your
Fitness Dreams and Goals To Your “To Do” List………………………….. Fitness Beliefs are similar to Computer Programs……………………………………...... Delete
Old Limiting and False Beliefs & Form New Constructive Fitness
Beliefs…… Eliminate
Conflicting Fitness Beliefs……………………………………………….....…... Sickness
Beliefs As Opposed To Fitness Beliefs…………………………………..……. “Weight
Loss Only” or “Fat
Loss Only” Belief?…………………………………..…..... Dieting
Is Based On The Weight Loss Belief…………………………………………...... Dieting Plus Exercise Promotes Faster Weight
Loss?………………………………….... Lean Loss – Sarcopenia……………………………………………………………….......… Be Sedentary, And automatically Create
Sarcopenia………………………………...…... Lean Gain - Sarcofication………………………...…………………………………........… Enjoy Being Civilized, but Bear Some
Loads………………………………………......….. Seniors – Adapt To Stay Out Of A Nursing
Home……………...…………………..…… As Lean Mass Declines Body Fat Increases and Weight
Increases………..……..…… The Average Person – No Correct Exercise Or Eating Right - Using A Lifetime Of The Laws Of Deterioration …………………...……………………………….......…..…….. Someone Who Used The Laws Of Deterioration But Starts The Laws Of Fitness With Correct Exercise And Eating Right At Age 45……………………….…………....... Someone Who Used The Laws Of Deterioration But Starts The Laws Of Fitness With Correct Exercise And Eating Right At Age 65…………………………….….…...... How We Lose Body Fat: Last On – First Off………………...……………………….....… What Results Can We Realistically
Expect?……...…………………………………....….. Break
Down And Build Up - Broken Cells Regenerate
……………...………………....… Use Cell
Replacement Rates For Our Timing Tool……………………………….…......….
How Much Of Each Are You Doing?................................... The Four Levels Of Learning, Adapting and Excellence……………………………...….. Unconscious Incompetence……………………………………………………………....… Conscious Incompetence……………………………………………………………….....… Conscious
Competence…………………………………………………………………........ Unconscious Competence…………………………………...……………………….......….. Getting Started…………………………………………………………………….......… Measuring Our Progress…………………………………………………....………. Inches –
The Tape Measurer………………………………………………………......…….. How Your
Clothes Fit………………………………………………………………….........… Chest To
Waist Difference………………………………………………………….......……. Waist To
Hip Difference……………………………………………………………........…… Heath
Indicators……………………………………………………………………........…….. Your Body
composition…………………………………………………………….......…….. Body
Fat…………………………………………………………………………….........…….. Calculation
Technique………………………………………………...………….......………. Body
Weight Minus Body Fat = Lean Body Weight………………………….………….. Simple
Approximation Technique…………………………………………………......……..
Using a simple Ruler With The “Pinch” Technique……………………………...………...
Overview of the Fitness Quadrant……………………………………....…….. Stimulation And Adaptation………………………………………………………......……... Synergy……………………………………………………………...………………......
. …… Exercise + Eating +
Recovery = Fitness…………………………………..….......…… Find Out Where You Are In The Quadrant………………………………………….....…… Previously Only Doing Light
Anaerobics?………………………………………….....…… Previously Only Doing Heavy
Anaerobics?……………………………………….....…….. Previously Only Doing
Cardio?………………………………………………………........…. |
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